Development (Training) Classes - Our 2020 Umpire Development Program on-field and classroom sessions occur in Jan-Feb of each year.  Off-cycle introductory and reinforcement classes are available on our YouTube channel.  Potential umpires without experience and/or no formal training are welcome to register here!  Submit an online registration and we will be in touch with you soon!  You can also email  ODUA UDP at  for more information.

Cage Sessions - Specific training for plate umpires discussing and demonstrating basic plate stance, body positioning, tracking and pitch location drills.

  • Cage sessions are usually combined with 1st Year Training classes
  • Additional opportunities offered -- TBD @ D. S. Freeman HS.  Contact ODUA UDP email for more information

ODUA Meeting & Event Calendar -   Follow the link HERE and submit an online registration and we will be in touch with you soon!  You can also email ODUA UDP for more information.