Upcoming Meetings & EVENTS
Development (Training) Classes - Our 2020 Umpire Development Program on-field and classroom sessions occur in Jan-Feb of each year. Off-cycle introductory and reinforcement classes are available on our YouTube channel. Potential umpires without experience and/or no formal training are welcome to register here! Submit an online registration and we will be in touch with you soon! You can also email ODUA UDP at odua.umpiredevelopment@gmail.com for more information.
Cage Sessions - Specific training for plate umpires discussing and demonstrating basic plate stance, body positioning, tracking and pitch location drills.
- Cage sessions are usually combined with 1st Year Training classes
- Additional opportunities offered -- TBD @ D. S. Freeman HS. Contact ODUA UDP email for more information
ODUA Meeting & Event Calendar - Follow the link HERE and submit an online registration and we will be in touch with you soon! You can also email ODUA UDP for more information.